JAKARTA – The issue of racism is a hot topic of conversation in the United States (US). The CEO of Apple is no exception, Tim Cook, who has recently been quite vocal in voicing diversity as well as racial injustice and inequality.
Quoting Business Insider, Saturday 6 June, Cook wrote an open letter entitled “Speaking Up on Racism”. In his letter, Cook discussed the issue of racism that was triggered by police violence and the killing of black citizen George Floyd in Minneapolis.
“Even though our laws have changed, the reality is that their protection is still not universally applied. We have seen progress since I grew up in America, but it is also true that the community of color continues to experience discrimination and trauma, “Cook wrote, as quoted from the Apple website, Saturday, June 6.
Today, as Minneapolis gathers and the nation memorializes George Floyd, we mourn a life ended in its prime and everything it represents. We feel a duty to channel grief into action, and we hold to the hope that a single soul may yet change the world.
– Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 4, 2020
Cook realized that to make a difference, we must reexamine our own views and actions in the pain that is so intense but too often ignored. The issue of human dignity cannot remain silent.
“For the black community, we see you. You matter and your life matters,” said Cook. 0
Snippet of the letter from Tim Cook (Apple)
As a real effort, Cook said that Apple itself has now donated to the Equal Justice Initiative, an organization that opposes injustice and racism.
“Apple will be committed to continuing our work to bring essential resources and technology to underserved school systems and to fight the forces of environmental injustice such as climate change which disproportionately endangers black and other communities of color,” Cook added.
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